Friday, September 19, 2014

Let's See Who Is Watching

     It seems that everywhere we look these days there is some kind of advertising. A billboard here, A commercial there, and even signs on doors in public bathrooms. There aren't many places that you can go where there is isn't a product being shoved in your face. There is a question though. Why are these ads here? Why are certain ads places in certain places via certain mediums? The answers can probably be found in the Focus groups utilized by the marketing teams in these different companies.

    A focus group is defined as a diverse group of people assembled to discuss a certain product before it launches, and to provide ongoing feedback. These groups of people often help companies determine who might be interested in a product, and how much someone would be willing to pay for a particular product. For instance, say there is a new vacuum cleaner being released into the market. The key features if this vacuum are that it is light weight and silent. The focus group to this product is made up of many different peoples, several of which are stay at home mothers of small children. Based on the information that was given, these women find that this product is most appealing to them and would be most likely purchased by woman in similar situations. This product would enable them to clean house, and not wake their napping children. Going on the results of the focus group, the vacuum company will advertise for their product in places, on channels, programs, and radio that will reach this demographic. So the nest time you see an ad on the back of a bathroom door, or inside your favorite magazine, know that that particular product is meant to be there because it will probably peak some interest in you.

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