Thursday, August 28, 2014

I love Cake

        To own and manage a business, one has to possess many qualities. One of the most important, if not the most important quality one should have, is passion. You can have loads of capital, business knowledge, education, and the best location, but if you don't love what you are doing, there's not much of a chance that you will be successful. 

        I have had many jobs in my life. Most of them have been in the service industry. When I started college initially, I was studying to become a nurse. I thought that it would be good money, and that I was pretty much guaranteed to always have a job somewhere. After my first semester, I began to think about the choice that I was making, and I asked myself, Will you be happy in this job 20 years from now? Is this really what you want to do for the rest of your life. The answer was no.

       As the title of this post says, I love cake. I love to bake it, decorate it, serve it, and of course eat it. I would rather be elbow deep in sugar and frosting than in any other job in there is out there. My dream is to one day open my own bakery so that I can share my love of cake with the world, even if it's one slice at a time. I have a lot to learn about business and management. I still have plenty to learn about cake. I'm not nervous or worried about opening my own bakery though, because the on thing I'm not lacking is passion.

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