Friday, October 10, 2014

Going Up


    Working in the Elevator Pitch, really made me think about all the things that go into planning a business and what it takes to get one's business out there. The only way for a business to grow is to bring it to the attention of the general public and potential investors. To do this, one has to do quite a bit of research. They would have to know their target market, all that there is to know about their product or service, and all there is to know about their competition. They would have to be different in some way in order to set themselves apart. Sure, one could just throw the information about their business out into the void that is the market, and see what happens, but that would be silly. The smart thing to do is to research, think, and know what you're doing, who you should be talking to, and who you are up against before casting your line.

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