Saturday, September 27, 2014

Things Are Not As They Seem


  Subliminal messages are still around. Most people think that subliminal massages are all about what is hidden in a television program, commercial, or piece of music. Subliminal means below the threshold of sensation or consciousness, perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it. There are many ways to communicate with people's inner most being. 
          Advertisers are constantly looking for ways to bring their product to the attention of consumers. They will use television, radio, magazines, social media, or any other medium that is popular at the time. Years ago, they even used those hidden messages that we have all heard about.  It was such a problem that the U.S. outlawed the use of subliminal messages in advertising. However, there are still subliminal ads in plain sight. A message doesn't have to be encoded into a movie to be subliminal. Like the definition says, it can be any thing that communicates with your subconscious mind. A particular word that may stay with you whether you know it or not. There are images that affect us greatly, but we don't realize it until a while later. Repetitive mentioning of anything will imprint itself on your mind, and you may not know where you got the knowledge of that subject later. There are subliminal messages all around us. We just don't consciously notice that they are there.

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